Feed your soil.

Feed your family.

Mineralization is the missing step in many crop fertility programs. Learn how our products can make a difference, resulting in higher yields and healthier fields.


The Mineralize in MN & More Crop Seminar was a success!

We had great attendance for the 3nd annual seminar and were interested in the information presented. The feedback received was overwhelmingly positive, with individuals expressing that the time invested was truly worthwhile.

Watch the 2024 Introduction Connect to Learn More

Fertilizer Line-Up

 Ide Seed & Fertilizer offers a wide variety of fertilizing options based on the needs of your fields. Ranging from certified organic products to fertilizers specially formulated for aerial fertilizing application, we have a product for you!

BW Meltdown®

BW Meltdown® is a biological option that provides microbes to the soil to break down everything left in the soil after harvest. Application in late fall will foster healthier soil, resulting in more efficient plants in the following year to give you higher yields.

BW Fusion- BioBoost

This is a telc replacement that is Eco-friendly solution, free from carcinogens and insecticides, replaces Graphite and Talc. Powered by Environoc® BioBoost™ with Environoc®, it maximizes yield, nutrient transfer, and stress reduction—an all-in-one formula for agriculture.

Learn More

BW Full Sun - Corn

BW Full Sun - Corn is a nutrient supplement that helps the plant take full advantage of the sunlight it receives.  This aids the plant in building up its photosynthetic potential.  Full Sun is designed for application V3 through R1. Watch Video 

QLF L-CBF™ Boost 4-0-3-2S

L-CBF BOOST™ 4-0-3-2S (liquid carbon based fertilizer) provides the soil with sources of complex carbon and brings in nutrients in a way that makes them available to the plant while enhancing the biology of the soil.

QLF L-CBF 7-21-3 MKP

L-CBF 7-21-3 MKP Starter™ can be used as a stand-alone fertilizer but is optimal when used in conjunction with L-CBF BOOST™. This starter stimulates early plant and root growth to give your crops a strong start to maintain through the year and lead to a higher yield.

QLF Amino 15

L-CBF Amino 15-0-1 brings in three prominent sources of nitrogen made available to the plant in a way that doesn’t cost the plant any more energy, promoting overall health of the plant and encouraging higher yields


QLF Kelpak

Approved by the WSDA Organic Program, QLF Kelpak is a natural biostimulant that is extracted from seaweed, boasting compounds that promote natural growth.  Application of this product is proven to improve not only the health and yields of your crop, but the overall quality of the plant. 

QLF L-CBF Terrafed™

QLF L-CBF Terrafed™ provides your crop with a source of complex carbon and other natural forms of nutrients from a non-GMO sugar obtained from QLF sugar cane molasses. Terrafed™ will improve the plants ability to use necessary nutrients, aiding in better plant growth and an overall healthier soil.

Biodyne Environoc 501

Your plants are hearty and healthy, but at the end of a growing season, they can be challenging to completely break down into the soil with standard discing practices. Biodyne 501 helps break down stalks and root balls to organic matter in the soil, allowing the plant material to decompose quicker, improving your soil’s health and biology.

Environoc 501 Stubble Digester Video

Biodyne Environoc 401

After years of conventional tilling, the soil can be significantly lacking in biodiversity. Biodyne 401 puts microbes into the soil to help roots grow fast and full in an optimized growing area, therefore maximizing plant growth and production.

Biodyne 401 Enhance your Soil Video

BDUSA Environoc 401,  A Must watch


As the missing step in many crop fertility programs, mineralization promotes healthier soil and increased nutrient uptake. Optimize your fertilizer investment while growing healthier plants and enjoying a greater yield. 


Seed Brands Available Through Ide Seed & Fertilizer

Ide Seed & Fertilizer represents the following brands of seed available to our customers. We would be happy to chat with you regarding the best options for your seed needs.

On the fence? Local results speak for themselves!

  • “On the corn check strips the yield monitor showed 2-5 bu/ac. On the Enlist soybeans, a 3-5 bu/ac advantage.”

    Wayne Rennecke

  • “I’ve used BOOST™ on Corn, Soybeans and black beans for 3 years and have seen a positive ROI each year."

    Chad Duehn

  • “In a severely drought-stressed area we saw a 5.5 bu/ac increase on corn sprayed at V5 and a 4.5 bu/ac using BOOST™ through our starter.”

    Dettman Farms

  • "The farm is very hilly, with eroded clay soil. Despite 2 month long spells with no rain, I saw good branching on plants with not much more than 1' height at harvest. I consider the yield for the farms and the circumstances Very Good!"

    Harri R.

  • "Impressed with the more branching and the BW SoyWorx more nodes and pods per plant led to higher yields."

    Dave G.

  • "We have seen better looking crops and higher yeilds. We put it the alfalfa, in the furrow for corn, and on top for soybeans. "

    Hoese Dairy Inc


Contact us for more information!

Mike Ide


Lester Prairie, MN 55354

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